Turn it over & Journal Prompt | Day 16 | Keep going inward

Mike Rusert
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2022


What do you need to turn over? & Journal Prompt | Day 16 | Keep Going Inward

Turn it all over
instead of
turning it all over

At the heart of the 12 Steps (as well as countless other spiritual traditions) is the invitation to turn over your struggles, pain, anxiety, will and life to a power greater than yourself.

What do you keep turning over and over in you head? What pain or traumas are stuck in your body? Where are you hung up on yourself and your own abilities or inabilities?

What would happen if you turned them over to a power greater than yourself? What if you trusted in Love to guide you and to be your Enough today?

Journal as Spiritual Practice

This weekend, consider sitting with the questions above and writing about them. Here are some suggestions for journaling as a spiritual practice:

*Be intentional about setting aside time to journal. Mark the beginning and ending of your time with a simple ritual (e.g., lighting & blowing out a candle, prayer, mindful breathing, etc.).

*Ask your higher power and your own body and memory for aid in discerning and responding to the questions (Ask and you receive…)

*Let your inner editor take a break. Just write. Welcome it all on the page. Be gentle and grateful. Hold it all loosely.

